downloads in last 7 days
as of xxx
Total number of downloads for this podcast in the last 7 days, and a graph showing the recent history of this value.
In OP3, a download is defined as a unique GET request per IP hash within a 24-hr period (UTC day) from a non-bot user agent.
In OP3, a download is defined as a unique GET request per IP hash within a 24-hr period (UTC day) from a non-bot user agent.
downloads in last 30 days
as of xxx
Total number of downloads for this podcast in the last 30 days, and a graph showing the recent history of this value.
In OP3, a download is defined as a unique GET request per IP hash within a 24-hr period (UTC day) from a non-bot user agent.
In OP3, a download is defined as a unique GET request per IP hash within a 24-hr period (UTC day) from a non-bot user agent.
in the last month
Downloads for this podcast in a given month.
unique audience
in the last month
Unique listeners (IP hash) for this podcast in a given month.
OP3 rotates listener IP hashes every month for privacy reasons.
OP3 rotates listener IP hashes every month for privacy reasons.
Listen time
xx% of listeners listen to at least 25% of an episode
xx% of listeners listen to at least half
xx% of listeners listen to at least 90%
n from appBased on nn anonymized playback sessions:
Episode downloads